One of the reasons that companies invest in our digital display vans is because they are so versatile. What they are used for is only bound by the imagination of the client.

Despite this, even we have been surprised with how many enquiries we have had when it comes to using our Digi Vans to support recruitment campaigns.

It makes sense when you think about it, after all, our vehicles can be placed in the perfect locations, targeting commuters as they go to work. Anyone looking for a new opportunity can read about the jobs that are available in seconds and take the details down from there.   

In the last three months we have taken commissions from Amazon, Wayfair, HSL and even West Yorkshire Police, assisting with the marketing of jobs from our digital screens in high footfall locations.

Managing Director of Media Displays, Ian Taylor comments: “As employers focus on managing the growth in business, staff absenteeism due to Covid and skill shortages in some industries, many companies have had to put a rolling recruitment programme in place.

“Vacant positions can be advertised on our giant mobile billboard screens, in and around areas where employers seek candidates to fulfil vacant roles. Our digital screen trucks can be located to target commuters that are heading to work, perhaps at distribution centres, warehousing or offices.

“In addition, we can target people in retail and leisure environments, as many of our clients are looking for people to work different shift patterns.”

We have seen some really positive results from these campaigns, with many of our clients finding the right candidates far quicker than they otherwise would have done.

After all, it is difficult to ignore our vans, and this is what has led to more companies commissioning them to tackle staff shortages.

As a new and somewhat unexpected recruitment channel for our business, we have made sure that additional digital advertising vehicles have been made available, so that we are able to meet with the increase in demand from clients up and down the country.  We have also increased our team to support this activity.

In addition to providing advertising vans, we also support our clients with developing campaigns to make sure that every job we do, delivers the right results.

Based on recent forecasts, we anticipate that recruitment will become the strongest commercial opportunity for us during 2021 and 2022. If you are finding attracting talent a challenge, then give us a call.